
Fascination Series 001 Shadow (Video Ver.)

【image size】1200p×1200px
【video length】42sec.

The shadows that emerge when light hits them are the fascination of bamboo crafts and can be seen as one of the works. While flat shadows are beautiful, the shapes that emerge from three-dimensional objects are sometimes strong and sometimes generous, changing the impression of the space.

In the video, we used a three-dimensional object made from a bamboo strip.
The shadows projected from the single bamboo strip woven basket are simple, unhesitating, and obedient to light. And the shadows that float clearly have a strength that seems to start moving, and they provide an opportunity to consider the relationship between light and shadow.


(動画)魅力シリーズ#001 影


光が当たると浮かび上がる 影は竹工芸の魅力の一つで、作品の一部と捉えられます。

一本ヒゴから映し出される影は、素朴で迷いがなく、光に従順です。 またはっきり浮かぶ影は、それだけで動き出しそうな強さがあり、光と影の関係性を考えるきっかけをくれます。


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#nft_platform #nft_marketplace
#bamboo_art #web3
#nft_series #nft_collection

@noji_nft @noji.arts @noji.products
#crafts #bamboo
#traditionalart #from_japan

Market Place

(動画)魅力シリーズ#001 影 – ORADA
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